, Beer, online games, beer, brand, beer, pop culture, software, beer, web 2.0, beer, Micro ISVs, beer

Monday, February 05, 2007

God Tool?

Sure BeerMogul looks like a pretty simple game when you're a player - you log in, buy and sell properties & beer, then every day something happens when people either come to your pub, and brewers get to manufacture beer.

What is it that happens? We run the "God Tool". Probably the most complicated part of the system, the God Tool does a few things...

  1. It simulates the manufacture of beer, one brewery at a time. It considers the quality of the brewery and the quality of the features installed, then looks at the investment that a brewer is proposing to make in order to determine exactly how much beer gets produced in a single day.
  2. It processes all of the "contracts" which represent committed trades between brewers & pub owners.
  3. It simulates a night at the pub! Punters are generated (including the amount of money in their pocket, a taste for a certain quality of beer, and a tolerance to price & quality variation).

As you can imagine, this was quite a time consuming exercise, and it used to bring the server to it's knees. It ended up being the downfall of the game - keeping it running successfully in a reasonable amount of time was VERY time consuming and demanding.

How are we going to fix it this time? We're looking to follow a "progressive" processing model. Rather than processing everything in one "big bang", we'll progressively process all of the God Tool activities throughout a 24 hour period. The good thing is that it will give people a chance to see the status of their properties change throughout the day - you'll be able to take a look and see how many punters are in your pub at any given time - or look at your brewery to see how your manufacturing schedule is going.

It's still a theory obviously, but pretty important. We have to get everything right if we want to make sure the game lasts this time!


Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds Fantastic, Where do i sign :)

February 10, 2007 10:45 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is also your site?

May 13, 2007 12:24 am

Blogger New Beer Mogul said...

I still have some contacts in the industry if you would like me to spak to them to see if they would like to speak to you regarding a sponsorship deal or something along those lines if this can be of some help. I know some of the breweries want to expand there image to a broader market, one of these avenues is new media of some sort. I have worked with breweries and various other companies associated with the pub trade for 7 years and have built up a varied network of contacts. I have run managed chains and freeholds and hotel beverage departments. If you would like to discuss this or anything else that i could help with drop me a mail at Thanks for your time.

May 25, 2007 2:26 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long time no post (from an original moguler here). What's happening?

August 24, 2007 2:42 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still no updates :(

October 25, 2007 5:17 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to hear the story behind the Arse Clown of the Week award :P

October 25, 2007 5:19 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you tease with a return and then nothing....

oh beer gods, please hear our cries!

*another original mogul here*

June 04, 2008 11:51 pm

Blogger Rod said...

Disappointed this never happened. I just found this and was excited!

October 27, 2008 12:08 pm


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