iPhone App coming along
Getting closer to alpha testing... working on ways make it fun. There is a great book called the Theory of Fun (in game design) that I need to dig out of the library...
Beermogul.com, Beer, online games, beer, brand, beer, pop culture, software, beer, web 2.0, beer, Micro ISVs, beer
Getting closer to alpha testing... working on ways make it fun. There is a great book called the Theory of Fun (in game design) that I need to dig out of the library...
Labels: appstore, iphone, iphone game, new
So I finally sorted out the changes after blogspot stopped allowing ftp publishing of blogs - now I can start posting again!
How awesome is this? A singed bottle of beer from the Hindenburg.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8352032.stm
Wow - just looking at the Adsense section on the right of this blog and it looks like these days it actually works! When I first set it up it didn't really know how to deal with BeerMogul, but I'm seeing ads for Dan Murphy's (a local liquor chain), a guide to pubs in north east England, and some RPG games - congrats Google!
OK so I know it's been nearly 2 years since the last post, but after several false starts things are moving again. I'm taking a more simple approach. Apply the new look that we had designed ages ago and "fix" the god tool.
Sure BeerMogul looks like a pretty simple game when you're a player - you log in, buy and sell properties & beer, then every day something happens when people either come to your pub, and brewers get to manufacture beer.
As you can imagine, this was quite a time consuming exercise, and it used to bring the server to it's knees. It ended up being the downfall of the game - keeping it running successfully in a reasonable amount of time was VERY time consuming and demanding.
How are we going to fix it this time? We're looking to follow a "progressive" processing model. Rather than processing everything in one "big bang", we'll progressively process all of the God Tool activities throughout a 24 hour period. The good thing is that it will give people a chance to see the status of their properties change throughout the day - you'll be able to take a look and see how many punters are in your pub at any given time - or look at your brewery to see how your manufacturing schedule is going.
It's still a theory obviously, but pretty important. We have to get everything right if we want to make sure the game lasts this time!
So we came across Project Rockstar today (http://www.projectrockstar.com/). From all accounts it's a successful browser based multi-player game - not too dissimilar to Beermogul! Looks like it was developed around the same time (2000/2001) and has the same basic elements - you sign up and receive money with which you have to establish a property (a band). You can then trade with that property to receive money.